Apr 29, 2024
Illuvium: Arena Beta 3 v0.3.4 Patch Notes

Welcome to Arena 0.3.4 Patch. In this update, we are introducing new features such as Augment Limitation, changes to the Legendary Bidding Phase, and reworks to Illuvials, Synergies, and Augments.
This is quite a big patch, so let’s dive in!
Have fun building those new teams, and good luck in the Arena!
Advanced Filtering System
We know how much you have missed the Affinity and Class filters, so in this patch, we are introducing a new and advanced filtering system.
Anteater Line

Beetle Line
We reduced the Energy Cost of the Beetle Line, scaled the Stun Duration, and added a new effect to its kit.
New Effect: Gain Damage% Reduction on Omega

Turtle Line
Being an Aegis Illuvial is hard, especially when the Physical and Energy resistances are low. To make up for that, we increased the Turtle Line resistances across the board.

Dodo Line
Kukkaraph had a superior advantage over its foes because the Attack Range was too high for a melee Illuvial. In most cases, Kukkaraph was able to attack the enemies while being behind the frontline, completely safe. To address that, we reduced its Attack Range to make it feel more like a melee unit than a short-ranged one.

Elk Line
We are adding some Omega scaling for the Elk Line and reducing the Stage 2 and 3 cast time to make them feel more reliable.

Thylacine Line
In this patch, we reworked the Omega Damage formula for the Thylacine Line, making sure not all of its components are scaling with Omega Power.

Scorpion Line
Berserkers are Attack oriented and instead, Sea Scorpion was often being picked for its Omega usage. To make this happen, we decided to increase their Energy Cost. We’ve also reduced the survivability of all stages.

Pangolin Line
Same as for the Thylacine Line, the Pangolins are getting their Omega Damage formula reworked while their flat damage is receiving some love.

Shrimp Line
Previously, the Energy Resistance Debuff was applied as a static 5-second duration, refreshing with each tick of damage from the Beam. We changed the debuff to be applied only when being hit by the Beam, causing it to end instantly if the Beam stops damaging the opponent unit.

Pterodactyl Line
Pterodactyl omegas were too easily hitting very large areas, so we’ve reduced their AoE to make using them more dependent on positioning.

Shoebill Line
We may have been too harsh on Shoebill in our last round of changes. We are giving it some additional power in its Omega.

Star-Nosed Mole Line
Sometimes, the Star-Nosed Mole Line had problems getting their basic attack after the Omega Ability. We synchronized their Omega, Charm, and Untargetable durations to fix that.

Taipan Line
We have scaled the Attack Speed buff gained during Taipan’s Omega to ensure a distinct difference in power levels.

Snail Line
The Snails did not see much love lately, so we decided to introduce some scaling for their Damage Reduction while casting their Omega Ability.

Squid Line
The Omega Cast Time was either too short or too long, depending on which of the Squids you asked.

Water Buffalo Line
Since the dawn of Ascendant, the Water Buffalo Line has been present throughout the meta, always inflicting fear among players. We’re taking some of that power away to reduce its presence and reliability.

Komodo Dragon Line
We are adding scaling factors to the Blind component of the Komodo Dragon Line.

Terror Bird Line
We are taking some power away from the Terror Bird Line while making sure it still feels like a Tier 5 Illuvial. Additionally, we are decreasing the Attack Range of Phosphorus by a considerable margin to make sure it’s not too safe.

Monkey Fighter Line
We are reducing the Radius and Extra Attack Damage values of Monkey Fighters to make it feel more in line with their fellow jungle friends.

Sloth Line
As a powerful component of their kit, the Knock-Up Duration was always at the same values across the board, so we are scaling that according based on their Stage.

Polar Bear Line
Emerging from its cave, a fierce beast known as the Polar Bear is ready to step onto the battlefield. This time, the Polar Bear steals all Attack Damage types rather than just Physical.

All Synergies that are formed with Empath will now apply to Self too, except for Aegis. As an example, the Enchanter Shield and Pure Damage components are applied to the Enchanter unit that activates the Omega Ability, rather than only on its Allies.
In this patch, we are also reworking some of the Synergies, while opening the floor for Synergies that saw limited use in previous patches.
Affinity Primary and Composites

The Blind & Omega Power Debuff of Dust is now applied throughout the Omega, instead of just at the Cast location. We decreased the Omega Power Debuff values to make up for this change.
Example: Gyro applies the Blind & Omega Power Debuff to all units hit in its path.
Example: The Ranger with Daggers applies the Blind & Omega Power Debuff in a Medium Area where it starts the Omega cast, and again when arriving at the opponent’s location.

Class Primary and Composites

The Behemoths should be something to fear when you see them on the board, so we added Cleanse to their kit to make them more reliable.

In this patch, we are introducing a new effect to the Vanguard Synergy, making them act more towards the Bulwark role.

Starting this patch, we are introducing the Augment Limitation feature, meaning that only one Augment per line can be added to the team via Team Builder.
We also have changes to Augments, with the intent of adding more interest and reducing some of the more binary and less interactive Augments.
Additionally, we are adding three new features to the Bidding Phase:
Selection Algorithm → The Bidding Phase will always display Legendaries as follows: 1x Synergy Augment, 2x Legendary Ability Augments, and 1x Random (between Synergy and Legendary Ability)
Tailored Synergy Augments → The Synergy Augment is based on what Synergies the players have in their teams.
Variety of Selections → This feature removes the ability to display the same Legendary Augment in both Bidding Phases. For example, if Final Abounding was shown during Bidding Phase 1, it will be removed from the pool, hence not shown in Bidding Phase 2.

The Gloves proved to be a strong contender when it came to deciding which of the weapon types to use. We are taking some of the power away from the Gloves, and increasing the base stats of swords to make them feel more in line with other options.
Gloves (Psion)

Swords (Fighter)

Water Weapons
The bonus to Starting Energy and Max Energy for Water Weapons was reduced by 40%.
Below you can find an individual table for each Water Weapon type with the Old vs New values.

Bug Fixes
• Addressed various Mastery Point issues that led to game desynchronization, on-screen errors, and incorrect display of Mastery Points.
• Added functionality to hide the Ranger menu when placing or moving units and augments.
• Resolved an issue where players encountered an empty session due to their opponent canceling the queue.
• Corrected multiple in-game descriptions.
• Improved suit descriptions by displaying all relevant stats and capitalizing keywords.
• Fixed an issue causing the Bidding Phase to be unresponsive when attempting to remove bidding points from Legendary Augments.
• Resolved an issue causing the Squid Omega to target fainted units.
• Fixed a delay in the damage component of the Tenrec Omega.
• We have improved overall connectivity during ALT-TAB, network disconnections, or delays.
• Fixed Taipan attack animation glitches at 180+ Attack Speed.
• Resolved an issue where Legendary Augments were prematurely displayed in Team View before distribution.
• Fixed misplaced VFX for some units.
• We resolved several Survival-related UI issues.
• Fixed a crash in Survival when reconnecting to a Training session.
• Corrected the Terror Bird Omega VFX playback.
• Fixed game unresponsiveness when closing interface elements before the Bidding Phase.
• Fixed incorrect Rating display after surrendering a match.
• Updated Survival Mode Algorithm to align with the latest changes.
• Fixed Rank border update issues.
• Resolved an issue causing Turtle Omega VFX not to play correctly during Quantum Reclamation.
• Fixed issues causing changes in the battle board and environment element colors.

Arena Beta 3 Patch Hotfix
Hello, Rangers!
In this patch, we are addressing the Frost affinity which proved to be a bit too strong in combination with certain affinities and classes.
In response to your feedback on Team Builder slots, we've decided to increase the available slots to 30 during the Private Beta.
Polar Bear Line
Jokull & Jotun → We believe that the Polar Bear is currently the main culprit of the last patch, as not only that he receive buffs himself, but his affinity and class were also both buffed. This being said, we are adjusting him a little and we'll see how he fits in the meta after these changes

Frost Affinity
Frost Stacks → Stacking Frost was one of the issues of the affinity, as it removed many counterplay possibilities. Furthermore, when combined with Behemoth's stuns, the frontline unit could end up being Frozen/Stunned for over 5 seconds, inducing moments of frustration as it had full energy but could never cast the Omega.
Frost Radius → The radius of Frost was also problematic as it would affect not only the frontline but also the mid-range characters that sit behind. With a high radius, it was possible, with multiple Frost units, to affect most of the enemy's board.
Blind Radius → Similar to Frost, with proper placement, it was possible to Blind most of the enemy's board, which proved to give its user too much of an advantage.

Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue causing the board state to be reverted when doing multiple actions.
Fixed an issue causing the players to be stuck in a ghost session
Fixed an exploit caused by the Undo functionality.
Known Bugs
• When you use 'Undo' after placing an Illuvial, Mastery Points could be deducted, but they'll realign next round.
• Quickly pressing 'Undo' after placing an augment on an Illuvial can lead to a crash.
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