Mar 25, 2024
Illuvium: Arena Beta 3 v0.3.5 Patch Notes

Welcome to Arena 0.3.5! In this update, we are changing the game's pace, modifying multiple augments and illuvials. In short, we are adding more damage to the game, while also rewarding players for going vertical compositions.
This is another big patch that we expect to shake up the meta a little bit.
We are eager to see what creations you come up with!
The main goal of our adjustments to Illuvials is to add more damage to the game. Battles were lasting too long and too many rounds ended up in Overtime. With these changes, it should be easier to deal with tanky compositions.
Pterodactyl Line
Pterodactyl has fallen with the changes done on the last patches. We are giving him a little buff to his Omega Damage to help with this.

Sea Scorpion Line
Sea Scorpion is also in need of some adjustments, as they have not performed that well lately. We are buffing the Scorpion’s anti-tank mechanic.

Thylacine Line
We are buffing the Thylacine’s Omega numbers to compensate for the nerf it received in the last patch to its damage formula.

Beetle Line
We’re pleased to see the Beetle’s play rate increase, but they are slightly too good at the moment. We are nerfing its damage reduction a little as a result.

Shoebill Line
Shoebill has started to see some play, but he still lacks in power. This Omega damage boost should be enough to allow the Shoebills to deal even with tankier frontlines.

StarNosed Mole Line
The Star-Nosed Mole is good at too many things at the moment - a tanky assassin that can deal decent chunks of damage while also disrupting enemies. For now, we are hitting their Omega power.

Taipan Line
Taipan is one intended to be among the best Illuvials for dealing consistent damage but is struggling to deal with tankier units and is being a bit of a Synergy booster instead. We want to address this by giving them more power, especially the Stage 2 and 3 variants.

Polar Bear Line
We are satisfied with Polar Bear at the moment. Strong, but not unbeatable, especially now that we’ve buffed many other Illuvials and Synergies. This being said we’re tuning down the stat steal duration slightly.

Monkey Fighter Line
With all the buffs being thrown around, our Monkey Fighter is falling behind. We are buffing the damage to ensure they still make an impact.

Monkey Empath Line
The Monkey Empath proved to be too strong lately, as all Stages could fit into almost any comp. We are nerfing his Damage Amp for the first Stages and Omega Radius for the last ones.

Tenrec Line
We feel that Tenrec is in a good place. We’re just pushing the line to allow them to take down unguarded backlines with even more ease.

Komodo Dragon Line
The Komodo Dragons are on our watch, we are aware that they are strong at the moment, but we expect them to be more manageable with all the damage that has been added to the game with this patch. We are nerfing their Stage 1 and 2 cloud durations for now, and we’ll adjust them more in the future if needed.

Sloth Line
Sloth already provides a great frontline and utility through his Omega. They’re dealing too much direct damage in addition.

Terror Bird Line
The Terror Bird was hit too hard on our last patch, especially considering that Bloom took a hard hit as well. We are giving back some power to our Bird, to make it more reliable.

Overall we are satisfied with the Lynx balancing state. The only ones that stood out as too powerful are the Bulwarks that are receiving shields on Omega, so we’re toning this component down.

Fliishes should be easier to handle now with the overall adjustments done in this patch. For now, we are only nerfing the damage of the Stage 1 Fliishes, as they are the most problematic.

We want to reward players for fully committing to a Synergy - we buffed the final threshold of many Affinities and Classes. This should allow the creation of multiple vertical comps and also empower the Synergy legendary augments.
In comparison with other Synergies, Water is underwhelming at the moment. We are buffing its Final threshold to make it more rewarding.

Earth is already strong, so instead of buffing the final threshold, we are nerfing the middle one.

Following the theme of the patch, which is more damage and verticality, we are buffing the final threshold of Fire.

Similar to Earth, Nature is already strong so there is no need for us to buff the final threshold. However, a slight nerf to the middle threshold is needed.

We are buffing the final threshold of Air to give the players an extra incentive to stick to 7 air, instead of flexing into 5 air with other Synergies.

Buffing the final threshold gives an extra incentive to go for the Legendary Augment.

With all the Synergies being buffed lately, steam has fallen behind. We are making it activate more often so the Steam illuvials can scale faster.

Buffing the final threshold gives an extra incentive to go for the Legendary Augment.

Buffing the final threshold gives an extra incentive to go for the Legendary Augment.

We found a bug where Units would keep the Grit and Resolve even after leaving the Molten Ground, we’ve fixed it so it only applies to allied units that are currently on the Molten Ground. We are slightly buffing the values to compensate for this indirect nerf.
Furthermore, similar to other Synergies, we are buffing the final threshold which can only be reached through a Legendary Augment.

We feel that we were too harsh with the Bloom changes on our last patch. We are giving Bloom back some power, with an extra touch on the final threshold.

Tenrec being the only Dust line in the game at the moment, you can only get to 2 Dust with the help of the Ranger. Taking this into consideration, there is not enough incentive to use this affinity. We are buffing its numbers to help with that, but will likely reduce when Fennec Fox makes its debut!

Buffing the final threshold gives an extra incentive to go for the Legendary Augment.

Buffing the final threshold gives an extra incentive to go for the Legendary Augment.

We are quite happy with Spore at the moment, but the “Reduce Energy Efficiency of their Attacker” felt unreliable. We are replacing it with a new effect - On omega, the enemy team loses energy equal to a percentage of their energy cost. Essentially, Spore now has a built-in Techno Leecher augment.

Compared to other Synergies, Inferno has been lacking lately, as its effect was not impactful enough. Furthermore, we do not have enough answers to tanks in the game, at the moment. This being said, we are changing Inferno so it deals a percentage of the enemy’s Max Health every second, as Pure Damage.

We are giving the 7 Fighter threshold a little boost to make it more attractive.

Rogue units are usually played in groups of 2 or 4. We are buffing the 6-Rogue threshold to give the players an incentive to create comps around it as well.

Empaths are in a good place at the moment, we are just giving the final threshold a boost on the starting shield value.

We are giving Arcanite some love to allow them to easily get through tanks.

We’re slightly nerfing the Omega Power that invokers receive when using Omega, except for the final threshold.

Mystic fits in any deck at the moment, as both the bonus and the units are really strong. We are nerfing the bonuses received at each Threshold to make them less appealing.

These changes aim to make the stage 1 and 2 Augments more attractive. As the Augments' power scaled with their cost, the lesser stages saw less play as there was little reason to not just get the most powerful option. Now, the lesser stages will be more cost-efficient, but the final stage will still be the most powerful.
We’re also adjusting the values of augments that are too weak or strong to ensure that all of them have their uses in certain scenarios.

There is one suit overperforming in comparison to the others. We’re giving it a small hit and we’ll continue to monitor it, along with the others, to make sure that there is never one best choice to get, but rather multiple choices to choose from depending on the situation.

In this update, we're rolling out a fresh interface for Tooltips, marking the initial phase toward our envisioned Advanced Tooltips.
Additionally, we've enhanced the Hyper interface for better clarity. Progress in Hyper is now visually represented through tooltips and around the unit’s health bar. Moreover, Hyper strength is now denoted by progressive arrows positioned on the left side of the unit's health bar.
Adjusted the Energy Gain formula numbers to provide increased Energy when receiving damage. For instance, previously, a unit receiving 68 Damage would gain 1.7 Energy; with the modification, it now gains 3.4 Energy.
Bug Fixes
• Addressed a gameplay issue where the Terror Bird triggered the Omega Ability multiple times on a unit affected by Focused.
• Resolved several bugs stemming from the Undo feature. We've disabled Undo when doing any action (i.e. when a unit is picked up), and an internal delay has been implemented for Undo actions.
• Addressed a bug where using the Surrender option from the Reconnect Screen failed to transition the player to the Main Menu.
• Resolved an issue where the game would select a different team than the Last Played after restarting the game or returning to the Main Menu.
• Fixed connectivity issues occurring during the Placement Phase.
• Fixed an issue causing the Illuvials Placed tooltip to enlarge and display a placeholder text.
• Resolved a bug where players were thrown into a ghost session after closing the game when a match was found.
• Fixed an issue preventing players from opening the Settings Menu during the initial phase (Opponent Reveal and Team Reveal) and the Bidding Phase. The Exit Game and Surrender buttons are now disabled during these phases.
• Fixed a bug that caused players to be stuck in the session during the last round of the match.
• Addressed minor sound issues affecting Inferno, Critical Attacks, and the AntEater line.
• Fixed a bug where Revenant units would wait until an Ally was in their proximity to trigger the Shield.
Edi Ionel
Game Design & QA
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