Feb 4, 2025
Illuvium: Arena Gauntlet Patch 1.5.0

Patch Notes 1.5.0: Latest Upgrades and Fixes
Only Round Winner Automatically Casts Emote
Before, both the winner and the loser cast emotes simultaneously, leading into two emotes overlapping and becoming too much for the experience. Now only the round winner will automatically cast the emotes.
GamePlay Opponent Notifications
A notification system that updates you when an opponent hits key gameplay milestones, such as stage up, level up and win/loss streak.

Highlight Hexes affected by Augments / Synergies on Hover
When hovering over a synergy with AoE effects, the affected units now display the exact range of the effect in hex size on the board.

Team Planner MVP
The Team Planner is an in-game strategic tool designed to enhance the player's ability to plan and execute complex team compositions. Accessible via an icon during active gameplay, the Team Planner Pannel allows players to experiment with different Illuvial combinations and Armament choices without interrupting their current match.
At its core, this first version of the Team Planner consists of 10 slots for Illuvials. Players can easily add or remove Illuvials, instantly seeing how these changes affect team synergies. This real-time feedback enables quick strategy adjustments and fosters a deeper understanding of team-building dynamics.
The feature also integrates seamlessly with the game's shop system. When players refresh their in-game shop, any Illuvials or Armaments that match their current Team Planner composition are highlighted, facilitating easier acquisition of desired elements. Furthermore, the ability to snapshot the current board state allows players to quickly transition from their in-game situation to planning mode, promoting adaptive strategy development throughout the match.
Please keep in mind that this is just a minimum viable product. We will improve the feature.

Card VFX Design Update

Drone Size Increase as your Win streak Grows

Free Emotes Equipped by Default.
Now the emotes that come by default in your account will be automatically equipped to be used in game.
Illuvial VFX Optimization.
Optimized Illuvials VFX to improve overall game performance.
Enhanced Default Camera Angle
Default Camera Angle has been adjusted so that the player's perspective on the board is better for Illuvial placing and combat readability.
Old Default View:

New Default View:

UI Revamp
We are upgrading the whole User Interface of the game. In this release, we bring the following updates:
Illuvial Tooltips with Improved Descriptions:


By hovering on the Tooltip, you will open detailed descriptions:



Synergy Tooltips with Improved Descriptions:


Synergy Scrolling:
When synergies don’t fit in the synergy tooltip, instead of extending it, you can now scroll through them.
End Game Details:

Sound and VFX Improvements:
Improved the general intelligibility and comprehension of the audio within a game
Reduced auditory fatigue
General soundscape is more music centered (compared to before)
Gauntlet sounds implemented: ReRoll, Buy EXP, Augments selection, UI Match Ready, Player Ready, etc.
Illuvials Sounds updated for Sloth, Tiktaalik, DropBear, Beetle, Snail, Tenrec, StarNosed Mole
Battleboards Ambiences updates (not music but ambience)
SAM & HAL: better reverbs, improved designs
Battle board skins: Doka Dojo, Beyond Reward board, Mega Mozart, Space Invaders are now playing in the game
Gauntlet/Ascendant music: faster transitions, reduced repetitiveness of transitions between placement and fight
All faint SFx updated: more clarity, removed unwanted silences, improved memory usage
Update on Menu UI Sounds (better mix, bug fixes, improved music transitions)
Arena Gauntlet - Balance Patch Notes 1.5.0
In this patch, we're fine-tuning some early-game over and underperformers to create a more balanced experience. We're also dialing back the damage escalation at higher Fire thresholds while giving Earth and Nature synergies a much-needed boost to help them hold their own.
One of our new initiatives focuses on Bulwarks—we’re shifting them towards a more damage-oriented role while slightly reducing their tankiness. Don’t worry, they’ll still be sturdy, but we want to speed up round pacing and make Bulwarks more viable as standalone units. This will be a gradual process, starting with adjustments to Axolotl and Komodo Dragon.
Additionally, we’re reining in some overperforming composites—primarily those benefiting from Fire and Air synergies—while strengthening Frost to make it a more competitive option. Lastly, we’re fine-tuning Augments, tweaking those that are either too dominant or underwhelming.
Strap in and get ready for a fresh balance pass—let’s dive into the changes!
Axolotl Line (Atlas / Axon / Axodon)
Reduced Max Health Scaling on Omega from 30% Max Health Shield → 15% across all stages.
Omega no longer scales with the multiplication of Omega Power and max health; now scales with 150/200/300*OP and Max Health Separately. An example using Atlas: Old formula: Shield/Damage = 20% * Max Health * OP. New formula: Shield/Damage = 20% * Max Health + 150 * OP
Attack Damage increased from 105/130/155 → 110/140/170.
Doka Air
On Omega, blind duration from the next 3 attacks reduced from 0.4/0.7/1s → 0.3/0.5/0.7s.
Grilla S2
Omega Damage reduced from 700 → 650.
Stun Duration reduced from 1.3/1.6/1.9s → 1.1/1.5/1.9s.
Shield and Damage reduced from 100/200/300 → 90/180/270.
On Omega, Heal and Energy Burn based on energy cost reduced from 6/12/20% → 5/10/20%.
Enemy Team Energy Cost Increase reduced from 15/30/80% → 12/24/50%.
Lightning Damage reduced from 150/200/300 → 140/180/250.
Debuff duration reduced from 3.5/5/7s → 3.25/5/7s.
Health Buff reduced from 25/40/70% → 25/40/65%.
Resistance Buff reduced from 30/45/75% → 25/40/65%.
Crit Chance reduced from 10/15/20% → 5/10/20%.
Damage on Blink and Crit Chance removed.
Max Health Healing reduced from 35/50/100% → 35/45/75%.
OP gain based on energy cost reduced from 15/20/30% → 12/16/20%.
Attack Speed Steal reduced from 30/40/55% → 25/35/50%.
Damage Amplification decreased from 15/20/25/40/65% → 15/20/25/35/55%.
Communal Regrowth
Healing reduced from 50% Max Health → 45% Max Health.
Synergetic Field
Shield gain decreased from 250 → 225.
Guard Drain
Resistance Debuff decreased from 25 → 20.
Swift Strike
Attack Speed gain reduced from 1% per attack → 2% every 3 auto-attacks.
Max Stacks decreased from 30 → 15.
Komodo Dragon Line (Headi / Krunk / Blotto)
Attack Damage increased from 85/110/160 → 100/125/170.
Turtle Line (Archie / Archos / Archeleon)
Omega Damage increased from 90/135/180 → 150/180/210.
Grit & Resolve increased from 15/20/25/50/100 → 18/24/32/65/130.
Health Regeneration increased from 1/1.25/1.5/2.5/3.5% → 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.75/4%.
Blind Duration increased from 3/5/8s → 4/6/9s.
Synaptic Booster
Attack Speed gain on takedown increased from 10% → 15%.
Arcane Counterblast
AoE Damage increased from 25 → 30.
Frost Bane
Frost Stacks increased from 1 per auto-attack → 3 every 2 auto-attacks.
BUG FIXES & QoL (Quality of Life)
Hyper Fighter
Fixed an issue where Hyper Fighter was not properly piercing enemy resistances. Now, when Hyper Mode is active, all fighters will correctly bypass a % of resistances as intended.
Komodo Dragon
Resolved a bug that caused Komodo Dragon's Omega damage to trigger only on the first cast. Now, all subsequent Omega abilities will correctly deal AoE damage.
Fighter Lynx
Resolved a bug that caused Fighter Lynx's Omega to heal a constant amount regardless of the actual damage dealt. Now the healing will be proportional to the actual damage dealt to the target.
Hotkey to Sell Illuvials - “C”
The default hotkey for selling Illuvials has been changed from “T” to “C” to make room for the Team Planner, which now uses “T”. As always, you can customize your hotkeys in the settings to suit your preference.
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