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June 2023 DAO Governance Newsletter

Welcome to an exciting chapter in the Illuvium DAO journey as we step into Epoch 8, heralding the inception of Gov V2. With the start of this new epoch, numerous changes and enhancements have been set in motion, fostering a dynamic environment brimming with innovation and progress.

Introducing Epoch 8 Council Members

In the ever-evolving Illuvium DAO landscape, June witnessed significant milestones as the newly elected council members, who assumed their roles on May 28th, stepped into action. These dedicated individuals bring expertise and a shared passion for driving the Illuvium ecosystem to new heights. 

Illuvinati Main Council [IMC]

Kieran | Illuvium (Co-Founder); Animositas | Ani Knows (Strategy Sub-Council); missionpoole [JP | Arcade] (Marketing Sub-Council) ; !Caveman | Polemos♊(Game Sub-Council); Blickter | Illuvimod (Community Sub-Council) 

Community Sub-Council [CSC]

Blickter | Illuvimod; Artemis | IlluvialMaster; Jimberino; Rickytan77| Wildfire🔥; Garf | illuviHub 

Gaming Sub-Council [GSC]

Viper; !Caveman | Polemos; SJUD | XBorg; Patate | HYPE; Ben | Illuvium 

Marketing Sub-Council [MSC]

missionpoole [JP | Arcade]; Scoriox [🔥🌿] [YT] [IM]; Djsamwithers; Fight4ETH; Andrew | Illuvium 

Strategy Sub-Council [SSC]

Animositas | Ani Knows; Vetemor; Scrubadubdad | Illuvidata; Nijafe_Plays; Nick | Illuvium 

Strategy Sub-Council Review

The Strategy sub-council initiated efforts to enhance transparency among sub-councils by proposing the appointment of a liaison from each sub-council to another. They also presented a proposal to restrict the trading abilities of council members following the dissemination of specific news.

While the remaining sub-councils deliberated on these proposals, Strategy focused on various aspects of Illuvium's economics, such as the overall economy, pricing of Illuvitars, and the fuel-based in-game economy. The significant implications of recent tokenomics adjustments were extensively discussed during the meetings and translated into an Illuvium Improvement Proposal (IIP) to reduce the safety pool's size. Simultaneously, priority was given to the pricing of Illuvitars for wave 2. The Strategy sub-council voiced their opinions and entrusted the drafting of an IIP to the Marketing sub-council, which was subsequently shared with the community. The community's responses were diverse, sparking a healthy debate. Although revisions are ongoing, the finalization process is underway.

Several discussions are taking place, including exploring a new proposal routing system and deliberations on the general fuel pricing for Overworld players.

Marketing Subcouncil Review

The Marketing Sub-Council's primary goal this epoch is to understand Illuvium's current marketing plan and operational structure. Collaboration with Illuvium Labs remains a top priority as they establish a well-defined marketing plan reflecting the company's values.

Regular weekly meetings are in place, with flexibility for urgent matters. Comprehensive discussions covered various topics, including partners, influencers, community engagement, metrics, and budget allocation. Critical discussions focused on marketing efforts for upcoming product releases, particularly Alpha Illuvitars. Insights from Wave 1 were analyzed, leading to the drafting an Illuvium Improvement Proposal (IIP) for community feedback. This will guide Wave 2 and its marketing strategy.

Other important topics included:

  • Adhering to project timelines.

  • Temporarily reducing marketing spend to preserve resources.

  • Collecting comprehensive metrics.

  • Exploring effective community engagement strategies.

Paid advertising was temporarily halted due to unsatisfactory conversion rates. Instead, efforts were redirected to forging partnerships with PvP-focused entities and leveraging influential individuals.

For further information, refer to the helpful links below for the Marketing Sub-Council meeting notes.

Game Sub-council Review

The Game Sub-Council actively brainstormed the implementation of Leviathan, Ascendant, and PvP to ensure a smooth market and ecosystem. They discussed AI-only versus AI and human balancing, as well as balancing frequency (seasonal or frequent). Balancing decisions were taken seriously, considering their potential impact on the market.

For Illuvium Arena, the focus was on balancing based on the top end of the leaderboard while maintaining a fun experience for lower-level players. Plans for 3rd party Arena tournaments and their rewards were also considered.

A "mini-game" in the Overworld, utilizing ranger movement mechanics for timed obstacle courses, was discussed, considering development time and user retention. Leaderboards and rewards for the mini-game were also brought up.

Internal development of community feedback forms was underway. The possibility of a trading blackout was considered to safeguard the relationship between the council, the IBG NFT market, and the ILV token. Ideas for Illuvitars alpha stamps were also explored.


Community Sub-Council Review

Throughout June, the Illuvium Community Sub-Council had productive discussions and made progress on several important topics. They focused on promoting trust and collaboration by establishing guidelines for operating in good faith and resolving conflicts. The council set up a system for rotating meeting leads and note-taking duties to ensure everyone's involvement. They also dedicated time to discussing effective communication strategies within the community and with the broader audience. They also addressed breaches of ethical standards and stressed the importance of fulfilling responsibilities. 

The council explored ways to improve governance outreach, including creating a central hub for governance information and considering additional social channels like a dedicated Twitter account. Moreover, they discussed enhancing accessibility to private beta two and were brought up to speed on the progress of various Illuvium products. 

If you're interested in learning more about the specifics, the community sub-councils meeting notes are in the helpful links section below. 

Passed Proposals Recap

Two proposals were voted on and passed in the month of June. ICCP-8 Add Alpha Stamp to Illuvitars and IIP-33 Trading Blackout. 

ICCP-8 Add Alpha Stamp to Illuvitars

This proposal aims to add Alpha stamps to Alpha Illuvitars in Illuvium: Beyond. After the launch of the first Wave of Illuvitars, the Illuvium community recognized the importance of having a visual indicator on Alpha disks to differentiate them from non-Alphas. In response, the Illuvium team developed an Alpha stamp as the optimal solution to achieve this objective. This proposal was passed on June 17th at 5:0, approving the proposal.

IIP-33 Trading Blackout

This proposal aims to implement a Trading Blackout period for council members. The primary objective is to establish a policy prohibiting council members from trading based on privileged information. This will be achieved by implementing Trading Blackout periods whenever sensitive information that can be traded is shared. Furthermore, this proposal promotes a more comprehensive approach to sharing confidential information and instils confidence in the community that their representatives are acting in the best interests of the DAO. This proposal was passed on June 17th at 5:0, approving the proposal.

Both proposals can be read entirely on Snapshot, which serves as Illuvium's Governance voting hub. In the Helpful links section below, you can find links to the voting hub and council members' voting rationale on Illuviums Discord. 

In June, we marked significant achievements within the Illuvium DAO. The approval of ICCP-8, adding Alpha stamps to Illuvitars, and implementing IIP-33, establishing a Trading Blackout period for council members demonstrate the community's commitment to enhancing transparency and promoting valuable governance practices. To delve deeper into the governance developments of June, we encourage you to explore the links provided below. Stay engaged and informed about the exciting initiatives and progress shaping the Illuvium ecosystem as the Illuvium DAO continues to evolve.

Helpful Links 


ICCP-8 Add Alpha Stamp to Illuvitars

IIP-33 Trading Blackout

Council Rationale for Voting

IMC Meeting Notes:

June 9th Meeting Notes

Community Sub-Council Meeting Notes:

May 15th Meeting Notes

May 18th Meeting Notes

May 22nd Meeting Notes

May 29th Meeting Notes

June 5th Meeting Notes

June 12th Meeting Notes

Gaming Sub-Council Meeting Notes:

May 26th Meeting Notes

June 9th Meeting Notes

Marketing Sub-Council Meeting Notes:

May 19th Meeting Notes

May 27th Meeting Notes

June 3rd Meeting Notes

Strategy Sub-Council Meeting Notes:

May 24th Meeting Notes

May 31st Meeting Notes

June 8th Meeting Notes

June 15th Meeting Notes



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